My daughter took these pictures. She actually took several of the bird, and most of them turned out just as good. This is another picture that I printed and used as a postcard. Then the bird flew away suddenly and took Hannah off-guard, and she took the picture anyway. "Here's the bird, now it's gone." I got so tickled when she showed the pictures to me, so I kept it, and now I'm sharing it.

Florida Sunsets

Aren't these pics great? Those are my kids in the top picture. In the one with the sailboat, that is just a fisherman. We had a fabulous time in Florida! We saw the beach, did some Disney World, had Christmas with the family, and relaxed a lot. I cannot wait to scrap the pictures I have. Over the ten days we were there, I took over 350 pictures!! I deleted quite a few, but I still have over 200 to sort and scrap. Whew!

I was proud of these ones, though. Some of my sunset pictures were breathtaking. I'm a pretty decent photo bug, but I give most of the credit to a good camera and great timing. My daughter also took some great pics of me and my husband and also some neat ones of this bird sitting on a fence. I actually printed and sent some pics as postcards.

As far as Disney World goes, I wouldn't recommend MGM. Fortunately we did Animal Kingdom the next day and had a great time there.
I obviously am just a little behind in my entries, but I'll try to get on the ball more and post more over the next weeks. Enjoy.