Why Journal?

T minus 18 hours and 6 minutes until 2019 marches into our lives.  What better way to spend a few minutes in that time reading about how the past can and should become part of the future.  Journaling is just one way to do that, but it's an important one.

So...until recently, I haven't been too big on journaling in scrapbooks. I figured the pictures could always tell the story much better than I ever could.  But I've noticed something recently, and I don't like to talk about it; but, for all scrapbookers of the world, I'm going to bare my soul, and share what made me change my mind.  So, what's the terrible, awful, no good, very bad thing that I don't like to talk about? Well, lean down...get close to the computer, because I'm going to whisper it just once.  Ready?  I'm getting old. You heard me.  I'M GETTING OLD! Apparently, so are you since I had to shout that to you. 😀 Yes, I'm no longer the young, skinny, athletic supermodel I once was. Don't roll your eyes at me.  Okay, so maybe I was only beautiful, not gorgeous, but at least when I looked at pictures, I could REMEMBER what was going on at the time.  I could close my eyes and go back to that time.  Now...well let's just say my memory is not what it used to be. I need pictures AND snippets of stories to remind of all those beautiful memories.  Plus, generations to come will have no clue what's going on in those pics unless I tell them.

In a previous post, I shared a double page spread from Andrew's prom in 2014 when he was a sophomore.
This is another double page spread from that same prom - this time with the fam.

So here are 5 good reasons to take a few minutes to journal in your scrapbooks - all of your scrapbooks.

1.) Sentimental Value
Seeing the stories and memories in your own handwriting, in your own words will mean the world to those that the albums are passed on to. It doesn't matter if your handwriting isn't the best, if you make a mistake, or *gasp* if you use incorrect grammar (anyone who knows me knows how hard it was to write/type that).  I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. Anyone reading those journaled lines is going to be soaking up every word, not checking your spelling or phrasing (unless they're a grammar Nazi like me, in which case, that would mean it's their problem *deep breath* - really). I see notes from my mom in albums or so many other places, and it means so much more than if she had not written anything. I have several cards from my husband that I have kept through the years.  Guess which ones that I have the most of? Of course, they're the ones that he wrote more than his name inside. Your written notes will increase the sentimental value of your albums tenfold. (And if you become famous, just think how much they'll increase monetarily...ha!)

2.) A New Perspective
There is a TV show that I watch that the kids, both as adults and children, are 3 of the main characters.  They recently did shows for 3 consecutive weeks that showed the exact same memory and time frame but each episode was done from the perspective of a different kid. It was interesting how the facts and words spoken were all exactly the same, but there were little nuances that changed in the mind of each character. Writing, even for a TV show, can do that for the viewers - take you into the mind of another.  Even if the person (viewer) looking at your album was there the day of the pictures, you will offer a new perspective and have different memories to share.

3.) More value to future generations
It is so neat to look at old albums of your family and imagine life during that time, but previous generations didn't write much in those albums, so we feel lucky if the pictures survive in decent condition, and if names and dates are included, that's quite the bonus.  Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of gaps that we have to guess about.  Admit it, how much more would you love and enjoy those memories if more than names and dates were added? You don't have to write a book for every page, but a sentence or two about what was happening and who it was happening to would bring the pics to life in a whole new way, don't you think?  So when your great, great granddaughter picks up the album, she won't just fly through the pages, because now the faces and images mean something.  Now, she's reading about her family.  Tell me that doesn't make that album worth a whole lot more to her!

4.) People get to see all the hats you wear.
We can all claim at least three or four different roles that we carry out in our lives - mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, teacher, nurse, brother, father, son, doctor, plumber, and ditch digger to name just a few possibilities.  The problem is that many of the people in our lives usually only see us as one or two of those roles. Journal a few things about your life and how you felt about it, and suddenly your kids and grandkids will realize that you had a life before you gave birth (hard to believe, I know), that you love what you do - whether that's a full time job, a stay-at-home mom, a part time job, or a hobby you like to get lost in - and that the way you see yourself hasn't changed much over the years despite your grown-up kids, aging face, and deteriorating body. Bring your life to life. Make it more than something the future generations have to imagine or guess about.

5.) Your life becomes a legacy.
No matter what your background, what you have or haven't done, what your family was/is like, your story should be told. And it should be shared. Don't you want that from your own family and friends? To know them more?  To hear or read their story? Through journaling, you have the opportunity to give that gift, to leave that legacy with your kids and family, grandkids, great grandkids, and even friends.

Don't be intimidated.  A sentence or two for most - or even half - of the pages you create will be a blessing - probably more than you realize.  The internet is a fantastic resource if you find yourself at a loss at what to write or how to get started.  I am especially a fan of Pinterest.  I know some who are stubborn saying that that is cheating, and to those people, I simply say ttthhhhbbbbbtt! (That's how you write a raspberry in case you didn't know...!)  So...what are you waiting for?  Go....GO....get started.  Quit reading this, and go!

My First Etsy Sale - Let's Celebrate!

Wow. It has been a LONG time since I've written anything here. Longer than I thought. I looked at my last published post, and....well, like I said...wow.

With that being said, there's no better reason to crack open the blog than the one I have now.  A couple of weeks ago, I made my first Etsy sale!!  Pretty cool, huh? I thought so! The set of cards pictured below is one of the things that I sold.

Of all the cards I've sold recently, these are probably my favorite.  So simple, but beautiful and serene.

The picture below shows cards that I sold to one person - ONE person! She bought some from me last year, and she liked them so much that she asked if she could get some more from me this year.  Obviously, I was happy to oblige.

There are definitely more favorites here, too.

So, what are your favorites?  Let me know in the comments - please. This helps me to understand what people, especially customers, are looking for. 

Also, go check out my Etsy store for more Christmas items as well as a variety of items for all seasons and occasions. The link is on the home page of this blog.

Christmas items will be going on sale soon, and new items are being added regularly, so check back often!